Contemporary Issues in Media World

Converted by Falcon Hive

Social Media
base on Wikipedia is "primarily Internet- and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings."

It can be in many varieties of forms such as pictures, videos, audios, forums, blogs and many more. For examples there are Social Networking such as Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, video sharing sites like YouTube, Flickr for photo sharing, Blogger and many more.

In my opinion, all these kind of social media application had really gave a big impact to our life and environment.

Every users are given so many options in terms of to deliver their messages, thoughts, idea and opinion clearly to the viewers. It attracts more people since it's paperless, can be access anywhere anytime and it can be easily updated!

Some people got a lot of honest critics and complaints regarding certain things that happens around them. Malaysian are still not our spoken like those in Europe countries, so by allowing them to deliver their point of view via online and using anonymous nickname , they can say whatever they think is right and should be done without exposing their true indentities.

Some people uses social media application for 'marketing'. For them the existence of those application is a big chance for them to grab. Its a good place for them to promote whatever they want and also to gain 'traffic'(visitors) for their blog or websites with certain special techniques. Let's take YouTube for an example. Millions of people are accessing YouTube everyday and its certainly a great place to gain traffic. We all knows what YouTube is and what's inside it. Lots and lots of videos can be found there. For instance, let say that today or few days ago is the released date of new episodes of Naruto Shippuden. Search for it and look at the view counts. Some videos could have 2000 viewers in just lest than 24 hours! 2000 viewers. What can you do with them? Some people would not want to waste this for nothing. Get it?

It is all depend on how we utilize whatever social media we have around us to give back something that bring us good fortune in return. Blogger, Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube. Its not just about meeting new people, keep in touch with your friends, sit back on your chair eating popcorn while watching tv shows. It is also about business, marketing and finding prospect who's interested in what you're offering.

My personal reflection on the media culture class :

To be frank i dont like this subject i'm not really interested in this kind of "media" subject. In my first trimester i never pay attention to the lecture in Media Appreciation class (actually i never pay attention to any lecture). But its really weird when i was like really triying my best to give 100% concentration and focus during the Media Culture lecture. Perhaps its more interesting than the previous subject? Or could it be because it has something to do with what i'm working on right now?

For me the lectures are OK. They know how to joke and make us laugh so that it won't be a boring and dull lectures. Videos that i watch in the week 2 is very interesting. Didn't remember the title but i love it. (Personally what i think. Not bcos i want more marks )

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