8th Topic : Technology, Media and Culture
5:38 PM
8th Topic : Technology,
Media and Culture
Technology and How it is changing our Media and Culture
It’s typical for a new technology to be adapted within a culture and used to support existing patterns of behavior.
1) There's a lot actually. One of the obvious technology that has lead to cultural influences would be blogging, social network and instant messaging. Nowadays almost each of us would have joined at least one of the social network whether its Friendster, Myspace, Facebook and such. Even though the majorities in our friend's list are the one that we already befriend with, but it's like a must to add them in our list. Even though we always meet them, talk to them but sometimes we also talk about something by leaving them message or comment in the space given virtually. Today, instant messaging are not only used to have a chitchat during leisures, but it has become a medium where we can hold a meeting with a group of people to settle down our task. Some people prefers to have this kind of meeting than actually have a live meeting outside.
2) It is not impossible to reshape new culture today when we have new technology. Technology are improving day by days and as long as we have new technology, it can influence into reshaping new culture in our society. When it makes things easier and interesting, people will tend to use it and soon after it will become a new culture. For example, prayer reminder for Muslims in their own mobile. I've seen lots of people are using it now. It makes things easier when they're at their workplace or when their house is far from the mosque where they can't hear the athan. It's easier because mobiles are carried with them no matter where they are.
Personal Reflection :
This week's lecture by Mdm Helena was interesting. It's about how technology and media had changes and give impact to our culture. This will be the last topic for our Blog's Assignment. Even assignments can be done via blogging. Can this influence to new culture too? Heheh. Anyway, the assignments had teach me many things and of course i've learnt few things from it. Its one of the interesting assignment i ever had. I feel like i'm able to point out my own point of view. Before this i dont like blogging because i felt like i'm not good in writing and i dont know what to say, but now i feel like setting up my own blog to share my views to others. Sometimes i feel like its a must for us to have it. Many good things can be deliver and its all about how we appreciate the media. :)
Big thanks to our lecturers. Even though i'm boring when they were giving a lecture but i did learn many things from them for this subject. It's like an eye-opening subject for me and it relates very closely to our life.
It’s typical for a new technology to be adapted within a culture and used to support existing patterns of behavior.
- What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?
- Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?
1) There's a lot actually. One of the obvious technology that has lead to cultural influences would be blogging, social network and instant messaging. Nowadays almost each of us would have joined at least one of the social network whether its Friendster, Myspace, Facebook and such. Even though the majorities in our friend's list are the one that we already befriend with, but it's like a must to add them in our list. Even though we always meet them, talk to them but sometimes we also talk about something by leaving them message or comment in the space given virtually. Today, instant messaging are not only used to have a chitchat during leisures, but it has become a medium where we can hold a meeting with a group of people to settle down our task. Some people prefers to have this kind of meeting than actually have a live meeting outside.
2) It is not impossible to reshape new culture today when we have new technology. Technology are improving day by days and as long as we have new technology, it can influence into reshaping new culture in our society. When it makes things easier and interesting, people will tend to use it and soon after it will become a new culture. For example, prayer reminder for Muslims in their own mobile. I've seen lots of people are using it now. It makes things easier when they're at their workplace or when their house is far from the mosque where they can't hear the athan. It's easier because mobiles are carried with them no matter where they are.
Personal Reflection :
This week's lecture by Mdm Helena was interesting. It's about how technology and media had changes and give impact to our culture. This will be the last topic for our Blog's Assignment. Even assignments can be done via blogging. Can this influence to new culture too? Heheh. Anyway, the assignments had teach me many things and of course i've learnt few things from it. Its one of the interesting assignment i ever had. I feel like i'm able to point out my own point of view. Before this i dont like blogging because i felt like i'm not good in writing and i dont know what to say, but now i feel like setting up my own blog to share my views to others. Sometimes i feel like its a must for us to have it. Many good things can be deliver and its all about how we appreciate the media. :)
Big thanks to our lecturers. Even though i'm boring when they were giving a lecture but i did learn many things from them for this subject. It's like an eye-opening subject for me and it relates very closely to our life.
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