5th Topic : Obscenity, pornography and indecency
11:29 PM
5th Topic : Obscenity,
pornography and indecency
Obscenity, pornography and indecency. What are the differences between these terms?
First of all, lets take a look at the definition for each of them.
Obscenity :
First of all, lets take a look at the definition for each of them.
Obscenity :
- The state or quality of being obscene.
- Indecency, lewdness, or offensiveness in behavior, expression, or appearance.
- Something, such as a word, act, or expression, that is indecent or lewd.
- Something that is offensive or repulsive to the senses: “What had once been a gentle hill covered with lush grass turned into a brown obscenity of bare earth and smoke” (Tom Clancy).
- Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal.
- The presentation or production of this material.
- Lurid or sensational material: “Recent novels about the Holocaust have kept Hitler well offstage [so as] to avoid the … pornography of the era” (Morris Dickstein).
- The state or quality of being unseemly or immodest.
- Something indecent or improper.
- An improper act or statement.
(Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/indecency )
Differences between Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency
Even though these three terms are different from the aspect of definition, but they are actually closely related to each other. But of course these 3 terms aren't the same. It's just that they're related to each other or it could also mean that one term might lead to the another term.
Indecency base on the definition and the word itself is something which is improper. It might be something which is not improper to be done publicly. It depends on place, culture, society and religion. In certain place when this act is done it might be seen as improper but it might not have any issues of improper when its done in another different place. Different place has a different view of certain things because of its different society and environment. For example, back in my school, when we saw some students from our school taking pictures with guys by having a very close contact with each other's body, we would definitely said that its an improper things to do. Because our school is a religious school and we see it as not a good thing to do from our religious point of view and is not suppose to be our culture. But when its outside of our school, others will think it as normal. It also depend on who did it. Someone from a religious school with someone who came from normal school, people will judge differently base on individuals itself.
Obscenity, i would say an indecent act too whether by action or verbally but this term is more to something worse than indecency. Its because obscenity has something to do with offending sexual morality. It is something disgusting. In certain countries, certain laws were implemented to handle obscenity. The law differs between different countries.
Pornography, is like the extend of obscenity and worse than obscenity. Pornography are usually in the form of certain media such as movie, films, games, animation, pictures, drawing, comic books and such which intended to sexually exciting the viewers. Pornography is not about the sexual act itself, but it's the sexual act which has been presented via medias.
Personal Reflection :
I wait and wait and wait. Looking at my mobile's clock. Time passed nearly half an hour but none of my lecturers are seen. It's a good sign. This might indicate that we're not going to have lectures today. Hehe. But suddenly Mr.Radzi came. My wish didn't came true. But it did came true actually because he came just to tell us about our 2nd assignment and we didn't have any lectures on that day.~ :D
Differences between Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency
Even though these three terms are different from the aspect of definition, but they are actually closely related to each other. But of course these 3 terms aren't the same. It's just that they're related to each other or it could also mean that one term might lead to the another term.
Indecency base on the definition and the word itself is something which is improper. It might be something which is not improper to be done publicly. It depends on place, culture, society and religion. In certain place when this act is done it might be seen as improper but it might not have any issues of improper when its done in another different place. Different place has a different view of certain things because of its different society and environment. For example, back in my school, when we saw some students from our school taking pictures with guys by having a very close contact with each other's body, we would definitely said that its an improper things to do. Because our school is a religious school and we see it as not a good thing to do from our religious point of view and is not suppose to be our culture. But when its outside of our school, others will think it as normal. It also depend on who did it. Someone from a religious school with someone who came from normal school, people will judge differently base on individuals itself.
Obscenity, i would say an indecent act too whether by action or verbally but this term is more to something worse than indecency. Its because obscenity has something to do with offending sexual morality. It is something disgusting. In certain countries, certain laws were implemented to handle obscenity. The law differs between different countries.
Pornography, is like the extend of obscenity and worse than obscenity. Pornography are usually in the form of certain media such as movie, films, games, animation, pictures, drawing, comic books and such which intended to sexually exciting the viewers. Pornography is not about the sexual act itself, but it's the sexual act which has been presented via medias.
Personal Reflection :
I wait and wait and wait. Looking at my mobile's clock. Time passed nearly half an hour but none of my lecturers are seen. It's a good sign. This might indicate that we're not going to have lectures today. Hehe. But suddenly Mr.Radzi came. My wish didn't came true. But it did came true actually because he came just to tell us about our 2nd assignment and we didn't have any lectures on that day.~ :D
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